well, the blood mod i had is fucked up, it sends out boxes of the non-textured squares, either that or the body hit. got 20fps right off the bat but hopefully that will clear up.
40-100, only used to drop down to 30 on maps like stalingrad where everyone and their mom was using a stg at the same time.
teammates = useless, i'm playing on normal difficulty and they seem to have the accuracy of a 5 year old. i find myself constantly dieing because they are standing out in the open getting mowed down.
it installs a seperate exe, moh_spearhead.exe, so i would assume mohaa still works. sound mods seem to work fine in the main folder, along with player skins, but for weapons i had to put them in the spearhead main dir (mainta)
problems i've noticed: blood mods no longer work correctly or at least the one i have. the blood shows up as a untextured square
have to make a crosshair_friendly for your crosshairs unless you want it to look stupid
only springfield scope mods will work since the kar has been removed and all scopes were replaced with zoomoverlay (there goes my spr scope)
well got 8/0 with the lee-enfield, it didn't seem like fast run was on but everyone seemed to be able to warp-strafe except me. fun throwing smoke grenades at eachother tho