Well, since the topic states it and I don't want to go somewhere else, and most importantly, more people will read it - I'll post my review here.
I got the game at 11AM EST today. Tried six times with 4 cold restarts to get the installer to work. Called EA and they told me what the problem was - rundll32 doesn't jive with the installer and therefore the registration code thingy doesn't show. Just turn off rundll32 and you're all set to install.
Ok, now I'm ready to play. I load the game, hit New Game, Hit Normandy, chose medium because I'm a wuss, and watched the movie. I was so excited that I was about to jump out of a plane that I didn't even listen to what they were saying. LOL
BUT THEN!!! It makes like it's loading the map for the first mission and then dumps me back to the main screen. WTF!?!?!? 10 times I've done this. The last 5 after talking to EA AGAIN!!! Guy told me that my version of my sound driver is known to cause problems... yeah, ok, what fucking ever!! I installed an update and tried again... and again... and again...
BTW, how come all of a sudden I have to use the task manager to shut every fucking thing off with 256 RAM, 64 VidRAM and 2Ghz? Is this game that much of a fucking hog that it does needs 99% of your resources at all times it's running? And what kind of idiot company releases a game the knowing there are so many bugs in it? Not to mention the fact that a patch came out the day before it was shipped... damn, I'm starting to turn into all the other complaining spammers... mad:
It makes me laugh that tons of people think EALA is like the best dev in the business. I got my copy today and OMFG. Already punched a wall cause of it. cry: 2015 where art thou?
amen to that, ive played thru all missions cept all of berlin and i have to say the AI is shit, there are bugs all over the place. Ea really must have pushed the devs for this one, there are stupidmistakes all over, IE texture mistakes etc. They didnt improve AI at all, in Ardens its such a bitch wne your looking for the newbelwerfers...but whatever. Im satisfied i guess, i mean this is EA you cant expect much
i used maplist throughout most of bastonge, the scripted shit was just too gay so i said fuck it, oh look it's berlin i'm a russian now? then they said barnes, well i'm not a russian i'm an american in berlin with a bunch of russians using russian weapons for no apparent reason.
Why would you pay money for these horrible mp maps? Don't spend the money if you want the mp maps, they are horrible. You can download maps from here for free. I think the sp is pretty cool but not very long. There's this little guy that rides on a motorcycle in the begining, it's pretty funny.