Wait, the IGN preview said that only 16 players can play in MP. Is this true? PLease tell me more can play. I know nobody knows for certain, but what are your thoughts?
"The Only Time You Worry About A Soldier Is When He Stops Bitching"
16 isnt that bad either, i like it when servers have 16, 8 per team. except its bad for us since our clans have more then 8 guys, but its not like every single guy from the clan will be able to play all the time.
well then i support my idea of having bots at least in Omaha in mp to add a good efect. it wouldnt be fun with 16 or even 36 players, or 50. yes, even 50 would be un-fun due to the fact of how easy it would be for the defenders. 50 guys, too easy. so no matter how many players, bots in that level should be default.