i started my computer today, and when windows started i got an error. The title was CTAVSTUB. no description at all. i pressed OK and windows loaded. I launched TeamSpeak, but noone could hear me. i checked my mic and the connections. no problems there. i went to launch both MOHAA and SH, and both came up with the "Could not Load OpenGL Subsystem". the computer was working fine last night. i have no idea wtf is wrong this damn thing. Specs :
AMD Athlon 1.3ghz
Geforce2 MX400 64mb card
SoundBlaster Live
Windows 98
okay, i narrowed it down to SoundBlaster Live, which i have on the computer. now the drivers are fine, b/c it was fine last night. no changes to the computer have been made since then, so why it would fuck up this morning is beyond me. how could SoundBlaster be causing these problems, if the drivers arent bad?
Hmm that sounds real weird, but my computer did something just like that once. It was fine one day, and the very next day I had no sound, and no new graphics drivers...It was weird, but all I did was reinstall the sound drivers off the cd i got and downloaded new graphics drivers. So unless you've already done that and it has not worked, I'm not sure. oOo:
Open GL has to do with 2d/3d graphics translation. You're probably running an NVIDIA grahics card. Something you installed perhaps changed your internal graphics settings. Reinstall your graphics drivers on your card. If you have a GeForce card, Nvidia came out with new drivers last week. I've seen this fix the issue several times. biggrin:
Have you tried to uninstall the soundblaster drivers and reinstall them?
that CTAVSTUB is a helper app for the soundbaster and I believe is needed.
funny thing is I believe that is a new part of the soundblaster. I just reinstalled my OS b4 SH shipped and have seen that running in the back ground. it was not their with the old drivers.
Do you have auto update on with your OS? You could have updated your drivers and did not even notice it.
I had a similar prob with Soundblaster drivers. There is a diagnostics set up in the latest 5.1 driver pack. Download it, run it and it will say everything is fine. Then select original settings and you should be ok.