=[SS]=[DeputyFuhrer] Mrjam7 -
11-30-2002, 01:52 AM
Anyone have an idea which =[SS]= clan that is? Just busted him using a wallhack skin. Need to find out so I can ban the lot of them. (There are like 10 SS clans)
I suggest all other admins do the same. Let's take a stand as a community.
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
i think that wall hack was used against our clan last night it was fairly obvious to me but as i am not server admin i have no control so how do u as a server admin find these cunts out!!!!!!!
i can understand getting upset, but banning the whole clan? maybe they never knew that the cocksucker was using those kind of skins. ban him and inform them of the situation. that would be a wake up call for the fellow.
MP, I would, but understand the rank of this person. Deputy Fuhrer. A month or so ago, I banned their Fuhrer for the precise same violation. Number one and number two of the clan. I don't need to see anything else.
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008