Hi, does know about any good FPS that are out now, somthing to take my mind off MOHAA untill february, i know there is DOD, but 2 problems i dont have any halflifes and whe i saw it i thought it looked so cheap and nasty i almost laughed. The thing is i think i have most good FPS, i have red faction, OFP, project IGI, max payne (not a fps though) rogue spear, AVP. So what im trying to say is i think i have all the really good fps at the moment (probobally wrong though)
Is there any good WW2 fps out now? i noticed some people saying the initials of a game wich iv never heared off, any suggestions?
i dunno maybe im saving up for a geforce 3 and a sound blaster live sound card......maybe umm there operation flash point, RTCW, and ghost recon or something
"I tryed so hard and got so far but in the end it doesnt even matter..." -Linkin Park
RTCW and ghost recon are coming out next month babay. They are gonna be sweet. NOt as sweet as MOH AA though
"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton