AA.Com TeamSpeak2 server moving to new host... -
12-15-2002, 11:14 AM
My current host, FastAttack.org, is discontinuing his voice chat servers at the end of this month. Thanks to BusterKing I have a new host lined up and will pass out the new IP to my TS regulars next week when its up for testing. If all goes well I will ask rudedog to update the sticky to reflect the new IP.
In the meantime some info for those of you who have no idea what Im talking about:
What is it?
A central IP for users of TeamSpeak2 to connect to so they can talk through their computers while playing MOH or just idle chit-chat. Its fairly easy to setup and anyone with a Full Duplex sound card can use. If you need more info or tech support visit my TS2 help forum rude provided for me...
There will find a complete guide for setting UP TS2 as well as links to the official TS2 site. The current TS2 server IP is and the password for all MOH related channels is poaac.
This is not a clan server. Its open to the general MOH public allthough I host AAN, OTD and a Tribes2 clan.
When we have the new server setup I will be creating different game server channels based on what you guys tell me you want. Currently there are channels for the aa.com, clan AAN and OTD game servers. There is allso general channels just for idle chit chat.
So why am I doing this?
Because of years of playing Tribes with Roger Willco and simply because I can. There is absolutely NO single greater enhancement to any MP game than voice comm IMHO. Veterans here will remember I tried for months to get this going. All because I knew there is nothing like talking to the ppl you are playing with. Yes it does take some getting used to espicially if you use the one soundcard setup but its well worth the effort. And, TeamSpeak allows you to use 2 soundcards so using a mic/headset combo is just like using a 2way radio. Hows that for 'realism'?
So who pays for it?
Right now me, me and me. Between the 3 of us its not a finiancial burden. If that changes I will ask for donations. I do this soley to give something back to a community I get so much out of. My payback is you guys enjoying the service.
So, there you go. When the new Server is up and tested I'll make the new IP public.
Thanks again for the great team speak server, Jasper.
I will be leaving within a couple of days, for my vacation. B4 I do if your ready, I will make this a new sticky or you can edit your old one and I will resticky it b4 I leave.
Everyone should be grateful for what jasper and the other members offer our community. This is what makes the MOH community the best and the only reason, I'm sticking around.
As EA has totally pissed me off ( sorry for the last comment )
I also want to thank =LLC= and Jasper. I've never used TS2 prior to coming back into and FPS game. I've had the opportunity to laugh and talk with these guys and I hope to see it continue on TS2. What a great tool!
Jasper, Just a quick note to let you know how much we appreciate all the work you have put into TS. It has added a whole new level of play and statagy as a team, as well as a place to give each other a hard time.
Thanks and keep it up....doc- evil:
Hey Jasper. Thanks. BTW - I thought I was addicted to MOH, but last night with the TS server down I realized I'm really addicted to TS! MOH was not the same without it!!!
TS was down yesterday??? I just thought you all were ignoring me!! Now I feel much better. Unless of course you were ignoring me and YOU didn't realize TS was down. Now I'm worried again. Any way when everyone doesn't ignore me TS is great. If it evergoes down again just email me your phone numbers and I'll conference call us all.
Thanks for all the great work Jasper. When TS went down I felt like the colenel. I couldn't really play well.Glad its back up though. It adds a lot of deph to my experiance with MOH.
You kick ass Jasper!! Just wanted to extend my gratitude as you have given me an excellent opportunity. We love you man!! But not in that way, in the way that the Bud Light guy says it. LOL
Yeah sorry guys. I have no idea whats causing it. All me and Chickenboo can do is restart it. This server is going down soon and hopefully we wont have this problem with the new host.
Now, see what happens when you take the TS2 server for granted??