Grenade Strategies-Spearhead -
12-29-2002, 11:36 AM
Hey all. I was just noticing that I do very well with the german nades but not to hot with the rest. I think the timing and blast radius are different on the others. Anyone care to post any grenade strategies here? oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:
LOL - that's alot of fun. Very challenging. You have to be able to stay alive long enough to get close enough for the blast to kill the other guy. Especially fun when you can sneak up behind a roomful of dudes that are on teamspeak. ("hey look behind you!" right before it goes off!)
They all have the same blast radius, and do the same damage. The british ones can be thrown the farthest, russian the least. Other wise they are all the same. Have a look at the .tik file if you don't believe me.