You can probably hook your "large stero system" to your computer too, if you could move that into your computer room that is. But you don't need that. What soundcard you have? You don't have those tiny desktop speakers do you? Get a Cambridge Soundworks system or something.
i got a large stero system, and i wanna know if any system can hook up to it, so far neither playsation or dreamcast can, and thats bunk, i wanna play medal of honor aa on xbox with my big mofo speakers, anyone know anything about this, any large speakers, with subs that i can buy for a computer, how bout a big mofo computer screen? where the hell is all of this stuff, what the hell are they waiting for, im really pissed off, god dammit, what the hell are they thinking, are they a bunch of dumb asses, what the hell.!?????