i wonder if the peole at 2015 and ea, would include some or all of the rarer weapons like the johnson, the mpe, the liberater, the grease gun,g43, and of course the m1 carbine, and maybe some russian weapons like the ppsh41 or the moisin nagant,they should also have grenade launcher attatchments for the kar98k and the m1, that would be cool, others i forgot r the mauser pistol i forget the real name but it was widely used in ww2, the walther ppk?
the colt revolver, flammenwerfer/flamethrower, panzerfaust,the carl gustav smg, mg34, and maybe the .30cal with the bipod and butt stock, that would be cool. just a few ideas to run with.
yeah no shit man sticky bombs.......that would have been FUN....just fling one on an opponent and watch him run around like those guys in RED FACTION when you toss a remote bomb on them.....LMAO....
Praise the Medics...and pass the ammunition
The flamethrower never made it in the game, they were thinking about it but never did it, same with sticky bombs
"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton
Innox those are some good ideas....except the liberator is not accurate out past about 6 feet..hehe. The Russian Tokarev SVT-40 is my choice for a bonus weapon in this game.