dude your a faggot man, innoxx is right, little kids brose these forums, now saying harsh words like fuck and shit is bad, but not as bad as seeing a naked woman, dude little kids like 8-9 yrs old are on here, and here your showing them a naked female? dude u need to be fucking shot because your to damn stupid to live in this world if u cant comprahend that. hake:
I expect demented is just blowing off steam, after a big day of being beaten up by the big kids in the yard for his lunch money.
This, however, does not condone his actions. Demented, i think i speak for most of us when i say Fuck off. Swearing is ok in context (as i have just shown biggrin: ), but hardcore porn on a forum for a computer game? it's just immature and stupid.
Never thought I'd see myself lecturing on maturity ed: