I need help with MOHAA AND MOHAAS. Every time i click on the icon it takes me to the console and then the console just freezes. If i hit ctrl alt delete it says MOHAA Console not resonding. is this because i need i higher virson on direct x? I used to play this cam all the time. After i downloaded Spearhead i played that for like a week and i like allied assualt better so i went to play it and it never worked. Plz help me with this problem
hi what i would do is this. uninstall them (both moh:aa and :sp)
then install mohaa
and place a copy in a zip on your desk top. then install sp.
then at that point un zip the good back up copy from desk top place it on your desk top.
make a shotcut and click away it should work for you this way.
later and good luck.
Ignore pvt_hz's advice. What you should try is this:
1) Give us your system specs:
Processor type & speed
RAM type & amount
Video Card type, amount of RAM, & drivers (if you know how to find them)
Hard Drive freespace/totalspace
Operating System
Connection Type