Could someone please tell me how to get in the lower room where the two windows are in the center building on MOHD. I've look'ed forever and can't find my way!. I must be blind or somthing?.
I will assume you are talking about the two
windows above the bush on the stalingrad
map. I would recommend against getting in
there as it is cheating, because there is
a bug in the map that allows you to see
through the wall. If someone is using it
you should request they be kicked from
the server.
it isnt cheating, anybody can easly throw a grenade in there and they can see u if ur close to the window, learn to check that place often also under the stairs, to get in there just get on the window to your right thats just above the one u want to get into. jump on the window and carefully slide off it so u land in the rim of the "secret room" window. and ur in! but u are vulnerable when u attemp this.