[quote="Airborne Butters":7ebd4]And we'd do that cause.......?
You my freind, is teh ghey!
You're the kind fuck that gives the USA a bad name. Some Nuke Em up' redneck who's still fighting the Civil War saying "The South Shall Rise Again!"
So please for the sake of me and other US loving Americans, take a gun, point it at your head and pull!
I swear it'll make you feel better.[/quote:7ebd4]
I believe he is referring to the article on netscape news/cnn that says that Korea is spouting about how they will win because their society and eceonomy is more "militarily oriented".
We kicked thier ass in the early days of the Korean War, but they had to beg China and the Soviet Union for help. So China sent down fresh troops to stop the US advance.
Fighting North Korea in a CONVENTIONAL war would not be a big problem.
Who says you're ever gonna have a conventional war with them? 9/11 wasn't conventional. We have gotta start fighting like them; as the marines say "adapt and overcome". If America doesn't quit picking fights, they're gonna be mighty unpopular very soon.