A geforce 3, like mine, is the best for any game, really. I play it at 800x600 with Quincunx AA, all details at max, and 8x Anisotropic filtering. Very nice. And 60 FPS.
Eyyyyy...it's MANNY...lol and I thought I was the only one on Earth who played that game.
I'm rather fond of my Geforce 2. *ducks* it's served me quite well so far. Probably wont' upgrade for a while.
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
"Just call me Doom." - Flynn Taggert
Another thing, the Radeon 8500 is nice (but not anymore power than a Geforce if your Geforce has the newest detonator drivers), but ATI is just as bad as Compaq in terms of drivers and support.
performance-wise, the geforce3 ti 200 is vastly superior to the geforce2's, and only a little inferior to the geforce3 ti 500. just a difference of clock speed. and they are starting to make them to be overclocked with software.