Radeon 8500 runs with perfection for me, even with my PIII 700. Just purchased it for $210 for the retail boxed version. Geforce is expensive but nice, but ATI has been releasing drivers often to get all of the features of their card up and running. Its up to you, I was planning on getting a Ti200 until I saw the 8500 for $210, then I just couldnt pass it up.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manny: But the Radeon 8500 is really nice, too. I prefer Nvidia cards however, looks like unreal 2 and doom 3 are build on 'em.
hhmmm.....then why would John Carmack say that the Radeon 8500 would fare better in Doom3 then the GF3?
Hey I got a Radeon 7500 and it runs amazing, I run it on 1028x768 and everything on full. and I am still geetting like 60 fps. never lags and chugs down at all in SP and MP. depnds on servers. It cost me $200 Cnd.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tyler Durden: I wish moh shiped with its own videocard <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
hell yeah...now you are thinking!!!!!!!!
a nice new gf3 ti 500!!!!!!!!!!
c'mon EA give us a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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