LOL!!!! okoboji is sooooo crowded on 4th of july its not even funny. Im pretty sure by my estimates that more than 75% of Iowa goes to okoboji for fourth of july.
Excuse my ignorance about Okoboji, but why is it so crowded around the fourth. I realize that there has to be celebraions but what makes this town so special?
well, to be honest theres one main reason. Iowa is one of the best states in the country, but it can be kinda boring. going to lakes during the summer is the only way to escape the heat and boredom of summer
there is a small profile hyperlink under the post new topic/post reply buttons at the top, if this isn't what you mean then I don't know.
I can honestly say I've never been to Okoboji, And since I bike RAGBRAI I should know like all the town in Iowa. I have heard of it though, maybe I'll visit.
is ragbrai or whatever that bike ride across iowa???
im origionally from chicago, illinois, but i live in Los Angeles now. my dad was born near chicago, but grew up in minneapolis. he went to edina high school (not sure on spelling) if you know of it
Yeah Ragbrai is a big ride accross Iowa, the riders are usually routed through small towns, to get a taste of Iowa, and also for shameless advertising and the hawking of cheap (but pretty!) goods.
And yes I know of Edina, I used to live in St. Paul, and I have some friends that live in Blommington.