101st airborne afghanistan skin -
03-02-2003, 12:26 AM
well this is a very very very early release of this pic. i did this in 2 hours. i know it sucks but i will keep you updated. i need a green large backpack and some other accessories. this is my 1st time player skinning anything from scratch (beside getting the skins from the origional game) i need to finish cargo pockets then pants are done, helmet needs some touching up, vest definetely needs changes. il keep ya updated
look at the models and skins on Americas Army, those will show u how to do it right,
just put a Desert camo on , Slap a 101st Airborne patch on that bitch and get rolling also make a M-16 model/skin biggrin:
i wana make a M4A1 SD lol thad be sweet i am thinking about a total conversion mod though but i know i need some work. too bvad i dont have americas army ops.
lol my vid card cant handel americas army ops. oh well new one at end of month. i changed helmet to a better texture like the pants and added a belt, green cloth around canteen but if anyone has or can make me a backpack that would be amaizing i was just thinking of using the spearhead backpack but file front is not working and i think a custom one would be great also any moddelers out there wana make a M4A1?? or has done it.