great movie Bruce Willis did an excellent job....fuck the critics they dont know up from down
[quote:650d9]I heard it was really gory, a bit gung ho Seals kill everything. I'll probably see it simply because its got alot of shooting. [/quote:650d9]
not as gory as BHD and there isnt much shooting until the end but still vey good
I saw it today. I thought it was great. Great characters, atleast them seals. Those guys kicked ass. Pretty good story actaully. Howvere, like almost any war movie, it has a predictable plot. Which is why the reviewers don't like it. The only movies they loke are artsy foreign films. So fuck them. I can tell you now, it is a good movie. Willis kicks ass in any part. And he really played the navy seal good.
Haven't seen it yet, but I went to see Gods and Generals in theatres last week, and If the critics thought that was a hit, then what they said about Tears of the Sun doesnt mean squat. What do they know anyway? Movie critics... what a dumb job.
Although when i watched the previews for the movie, there were 3 others that seemed similar to it, but Bruce Willis is the man and Im sure he did a god job in it.
and for the one who said mel gibson is a bad war movie actor.... BRAVEHEART, THE PATRIOT???? CLASSICS!