Strange you cant get it to work guys.
But I´ll try to explain it again.
You need to have both the multiplayer demo and the singleplayer demo installed.
Ok, then copy ALL the pak-files from the multiplayer demo /main folder to a new folder. Rename the copied files to be something like: multipak0.pak, multipak1.pak and so on.
Note: Maybe you dont need to copy all the pak-files. It could work with just some of them, like the first and second file (pak0.pak, pak1.pak). But its no big deal to copy them all if you have some room on your harddrive to spare.
Next, copy these renamed pak-files to the /main folder in the singleplayer demo folder.
Important Note: you must keep the original pak-files in the singleplayer /main folder too, otherwise it won´t work. That is you have both the multiplayer and singleplayer pak-files in the singleplayer /main folder.
Thats why you have to rename the multiplayer pak-files before you move them to the sigleplayer /main folder. Otherwise you will replace the singleplayer pak-files with the multiplayer pak-files and the game will be a multiplayer game.
Then run the singleplayer demo with the following commands after the link to the exe-file in your shortcut:
+set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1
Ones you have loaded up the singleplayer map bring down the console and type
wuss to get all the weapons.
Thats all there is to it.
Now hopefully it will work.
If the enemy is within range - so are you!
[This message has been edited by Omerta (edited January 10, 2002).]