03-13-2003, 12:48 PM
depending on the seetings in your mask certain colors will become transparent. If you draww the xhair in all black, use source luminance when making a new mask, then recolor it after saving to an alpha channel, it will be just like you want it.
step 1. Draw the xhair out in all black
step 2. select the masks tab, then new, then from image. cleck yes at the prompt and make sure the "source luminance" box is checked.
step 3. select the masks tab again, save to aplha channel, save channel as "Alpha Channel 1". The name isnt imperitive but I like to be precise. just click yes on the prompt when saving the alpha channel.
step 4. save as crosshair.tga . make sure to save as true vision targa (.tga) . click yes on the prompt about merging layers.
step 5. close your image, then reopen it.
step 6. color your crosshair as you see fit, then save again.
to test how it looks while coloring it, click the masks tab, load from alpha channel. this will show you what it will look like in game. MAKE SURE YOU UNDO THE ALPHA CHANNEL LOAD BEFORE SAVING!
hope that helps