I ran into one myself last night. I was hosting a server, with realism mod. I had the MG (I also have the blood patch to see my shots). Well this guy mowed down my entire team, and I was the only one left. I retreated to the church and waited for him. He planted the bomb, and as soon as he came out from behind the 88, I loaded him full of lead (I saw the blood and everything), however, it didn't seem to faze him at all, because he just layed me out like a doormat with his SMG.
I gave him 2 more rounds just to see if by some chance I missed him, but no one was able to kill him (not even his own team, I had FF on). So, I kicked him.
huh...ive been playing the demo since it came out and not once noticed a cheater...imo mohaa players seem to be a better bunch than other gamers out there
Next to God...
...A Grunts Best Friend
Well, I got my first taste of a cheater last night. How could that possibly be any fun!!
We had 10 guys, literally, surrounding this munch-arse, drilling round after round into him (her, using that female character) and he wouldn't go down. Grenades, point-blank head shots. Then when everyone laid off for moment, he gets up and wipes us all out. God mode, more like "i can't play under normal circumstances because I suck the big one so I will use the cheat code to piss everyone else off". Must be compensating for something? Wasn't loved as a child, or isn't loved as a child (has to be, because I hope a well developed adult would have more sense) or just doesn't like losing, which I'm sure happens a lot.
Now, I'm not the best, but I take my licks and keep coming back for more grenades killing me in the first two seconds of the game, or a sniper planting one between my eyes once I poke my head around a corner. But that's the game, it is the challenge of out stepping these things that make this fun. So I guess my rant is....cheaters really really suck arse.
Was the sever running the new anti-cheat patch?
I know this is not the right answer and you should be able to play any server you want without worrying about cheats, but until the game goes final and/or the servers people are running apply the anit-cheat patch.. I hate to say things are not going to get any better.