it's a server side only mod, mostly for FFA, but also for TDM
all the mods are done on the regular maps, so there is nothing for clients to download
There's tanks....
they drive around and shoot things and people
There's planes...
they fly over every now and then and drop bombs
There's dogs...
they chase and bite the piss out of you
and there's an OPTIONAL weapons pak that I wrote. increased firing rates, bigger clips, scopes, etc.
I made it optional as I know a lot of people like the standard weapons.
i eventually got sick of the same ol boards, so added all this stuff in. its server side only, so people dont have to try to get everyone in the world to download stuff to get on their server (never happens). overall, with or without the weapons pak, it adds a nice new twist to all the boards everyone is used to.
the mod is 100% script written so is only about 85k
hey bluebrooks, thanks for the dogs before, and these mods sound great also, i'd like to try all of them out, can you e-mail them to me?, Thank you and you should try my server sometime BUT it's only on when i feel like playing so i have MSN messanger at my e-mail address Thanks and talk to ya later (i also have blazinmohaa at AIM but don't know if it works or not no ones added me )
also (i didnt think of this)
there are game messages for the weapons pak in the regular mod. if you don't want them (because your're not installing the weapons pak), you can take them out.
or let me know and i'll send a version without the weapons help messages.
i only put them in to stop 500 people from asking what each weapon does etc.