I d/led the detonatorxp 23.11 drivers thinking that it would make the game run better on my gf3 ti200. Man was I wrong! It made this game run terribly. How can they release a set of drivers that make this game worse!? Anyone know which drivers are the best and what tweaks I need to do to get this game rockin on my system?
P4 1.4Ghz
Geforce3 Ti200 64MB DDR
if you look on nvidia's sight they have a drivers archive. Click on downloads, then select your OS then on the left hand side of the page you should see "drivers archive."
Agreed, this is the only piece of software that has caused a blue screen of death on my XP system. Until then I didn't even know what the XP blue screen looked like.
However the game did run faster for me with these drivers but the constant rebooting was driving me freakin nuts!
Lady Astor: "Winston, if I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee."
Winston Churchill: "Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it."
I just recently bought a Ti200, and I'm running the 23.11 drivers under XP. I'm dropping down to like 20 FPS in WIERD places in the SP demo. I know the SP demo is an older build and some lag problems have been fixed, but 20FPS on a GF3 1.4ghz athlon 512DDR is atrocious. I have the latest Via 4in1 drivers (necessary, nothing works without em.)
Once I get home I'm gonna try the older drivers. What would you guys suggest? 22.80 or the 21's?
I'm running the 22.50 drivers myself for my Ti-200. the 23.11 gave me a performance hit so I just installed the earlier drivers and got my performance back
Hmm I was running the 22.80s and was still seeing sluggish performance, BUT there was a tweak I did recently that gave me a boost, but I was running the 23.11's perhaps the 22.80s will work better now. I will install them tonight and see.