Hey I have a Sniper Mod. but not with that gillie suit. Any one using any weapon besides sniper wont be able to move and they wont be able to shoot so make a good oppurtunity to kill em. if u want it just send me an e-mail saying i want the sniper mod at Jrsmokey03@aol.com
Ya for a gillie suit taht wood probably take a team.. i mean one guy could do it but it woodnt be worth the time.. they cood have like a tc for realism where u cood go prone and crap i guess. Woodnt be a good TC but lets just say theres not going to be a gillie suit anytime soon.
ya but i bet thers probly a way i dont know any thing about modding but could u just make the guy skinner and and add tree like stuuf to his body? fire2: