Elevators, railcars, and ski-lifts -
05-19-2003, 02:09 PM
How do I create such things?
In attempting to make an elevator, I made a box with a long stick coming from the top and hollowed it out, making a door function with the settings to go straight up. This way, one could walk into it, press E, and it would slide up. However, with it this way, there is no specific elevator latch, and the elevator does not remain on the top floor where you left it. Also, there is no way to access it from the bottom floor either.
I was thinking about having top and bottom floor elevators, but that would be unrealistic. Also, neither of these would work for an overhead railcar idea I had. How can I make realistic elevators?
The first one is the way i did it, except mine is a really long elevator shaft that goes up 5 stories, and has a door in front of the top and bottom opening.
Ok someone already did that, I know that you will most likely have to place the clip on top of the lift.Try going on http://www.mohtut.8m.com and post a thread on they're forums asking, i'm sure someone will reply.
Ok, if you want to bild an elevater the closest thing i no is a platform. This has been done allready for a mohaa level with a diving board. It would take you up to the is really high diveing board etc. Every few seconds if would go up and then a few seconds later it would come down ) hope this is some help!
Yeah, it has this house, so when you shoot one those exploding crate things it blows a wall up and in the toilet there is a man with a plundger on his head, and a weener in da toilet lol. You must check this stuff out!
The thing i hate about the lift is that the idiots that tryed to make dis map forgot to aim the gun at there head before shooting iight? I meen the lift moves when it wants to the n***a forgot to make it move when we press e