I tyred of that spam on Gamespy, is there other program that does the same without the spam (commercials). Please help me like this I get an but tyred.
use the All-seeying-eye.
it's the same as Gamespy but without the chat and Commercials..
it has all the servers that gamepsy has so it's just the same but without the damn Commercials.
I Forgot the link lemme search.
damn I can't find that link either .....why not just pay the 20.00 to register Lamespy...it is a one-time fee and is good for life!!! that get's rid of the Ad's and get's you some neat shiot..
Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division
LameSpy sucks! Its so slow! I hate it when you see a server that has an open spot and you link to join only to have the game launch and tell you the server is full!
There, Im done. I feel so much better now!
3rd Battalion
504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
82nd Airborne Division
"The Blue Devils"