Someone with more technical knowledge than I, please give me some advice as to which component of my computer needs to be upgraded first in order to improve my frame rate...
P3 750
128 MB RAM
Nvidia TNT2
So which component is contributing the most to my poor frame rate? I suspect the video card, but don't know for sure.
Its real cheap right now I just went for 128 to 512 and it made a HUGE impact. Not only on games but your whole system will run better. I got mine for $150 CND
It's not so much being on a budget as refusing to cave in to spending a bunch of money just to play a game. I just want to get my system to a level that will allow me to compete at a decent frame rate. I'm sick of leading a target and watching the bullet hit 3 feet behind. Jeez, when there are a bunch of people on the screen, they just kind of teleport in 5 foot increments.
o.k. then Go RAM first Graphics card second...the extra RAM oughtta get you up to speed...If it still isn't what you are looking for,THEN go Graphics Card....If you are going to get a crad,GET A CARD!!!!
go all out,you won't regret it in the future...If not just for this game,then for future gaming pleasure.....