i think iv found a solution for my "Could not load OpenGL Subsystem" problem. i found at a site that if there is a file called "pengl32.dll" i am suppose to rename it. i have found it when the game is about to start but i have no idea how to rename it. please someone help me with this so i can finally play mohaa again. i just need to know how to rename that file and please if you are gonna answer make it "step by step" for i know nothing about computers.
i know how to renmae a file what i meant is how do i rename this certain file "opengl32.dll" because i cant find it.
This may or may not be the information you want... My openGL32 is located
by double clicking "my computer" then "Local disc (C)" then "Windows" then
"system"...scroll down and my file is there.
Hope thats what you wanted to know.