I am curious to know how many of you who are running legitimate servers (i.e., not just hosting a game so you can play) have tried running the Elvite's Kick Vote mod. I would rather hear from someone else if it's any good before I implement it on my server rig.
It works ...but in a few days I will install the full game and will not know until then if the callvotekick client command will work...yet alone any other commands.
I do believe the server doesnt need it installed, just the clients.
Ive got the vote mod installed on my comp and it works on our server fine. I havnt had to install it on the server to work. since all it does is rebind keys, its already enabled on every server.
The voting tools are not a server-side mod. It won't work unless a majority of the clients have it. I believe those servers that put wording like Vote Kick in their names do so because most of the regulars there have installed the Voting Tools. It a way of letting people know that the regulars there also have it.
I wish I knew a way to make it a server-side mod. It would have made things much easier. However, if you get all the regulars at your favorite server to get it then you'll have the benefit of its use.
I recommend that you install it on the PC you play from and then tell your buddies that come to your server. In fact, what I did to advertise it was to bind a key with a message that tells people where they can get it. Then, about once an hour, I would run the message. Within a couple of days all the regulars had it and we were able to kick many cheaters.
Hopefully, the full version of the game will make my Voting Tools unnecessary.
[This message has been edited by Elvite (edited January 21, 2002).]