Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
Biggest "rush" you have ever had? -
06-30-2003, 04:46 PM
Whats the Biggest "rush" you have ever had?A rush is something that gets your heart pounding....Hmm probably mine was being chased by 10+ mad bees for about a mile...
when i fell on my head skateboarding. I was just staring up in the sky, wondering what the fuck happened. My heart was pounding like a Jack russel fucking terrier
One that I can specifically remember is when I was chased by an alligator.... I froze with fear and then I had a HUGE amount of adrenaline rush up my back. I swear I ran for 2 miles at full speed..
misfire of fireworks lol these things called "china balls" explode like the big fire works like 35ft explosion the lauch tube fell over pointing at me fired i dived lol that rocked
last summer when i fell of a 30 ft cliff and had to walk 20 mins home bleeding from my neck and bleeding from like 10 spots. also i had to climb up a tree that had fallen to get out from the canyon i was in. i had 2 friends helping me, but it was so scary. all i did was break a finger tho lol. the Dr.'s said i was a lucky son of a bitch and could have done a lot more. i have some scars still and i still have no feeling in my right side of my chin. mwah: mwah: