Copy and Paste this on a text Editor.
// These are key that we want to make sure are always bound properly
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind TAB +scores
bind 1 "useweaponclass pistol"
bind 2 "useweaponclass rifle"
bind 3 "useweaponclass smg"
bind 4 "useweaponclass mg"
bind 5 "useweaponclass grenade"
bind 6 "useweaponclass heavy"
bind 7 "toggleitem"
//bind 8 "useweaponclass item2"
//bind 9 "useweaponclass item3"
//bind 0 "useweaponclass item4"
fov 80 // this makes sure that the client and server agree on fov from the get go
//bind F1
bind F2 "ui_getplayermodel;pushmenu_dm mpoptions"
bind F3 "pushmenu Controls"
bind F4 "pushmenu_sp LoadSave"
bind F5 "savegame quick"
bind F6 "messagemode"
//bind F7
//bind F8
bind F9 "loadgame quick"
//bind F10
//bind F11
bind F12 "screenshot"
// execute custom binds and commands
exec custom.cfg
// set legal screens
set cl_playintro 0
set ui_skip_eamovie 1
set ui_skip_titlescreen 1
set ui_skip_legalscreen 1
set ui_titlescreen_fadein 0
set ui_titlescreen_fadeout 0
set ui_titlescreen_stay 0
set ui_legalscreen_fadein 0
set ui_legalscreen_fadeout 0
set ui_legalscreen_stay 0
Save the text file as "autoexec.cfg"
Then pack the file with Winace and call it "pak7.pk3" and place it in the Main dir.
The game will startup 50% faster.
You are my adversary, but you are not my enemy. For your resistance gives me strength. Your will gives me courage. Your spirit enobles me. And tough I aim to defeat you. Should I succeed, I will not humiliate you. Instead I will honour you. For without you, I am a lesser man