Hi all. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me. I installed Allied Assault tonight on my new computer and kept getting "catastrophic failuer" errors. I'm assuming that's bad. So I went back into the installation program and ran the repair option and everything seemed to go fine after that.
Then I go into the game, set up my graphics options,etc. But when I go into the game, everything is black, except for some yellowish shadowlike effects. It seems like I can play the game, but I can't see crap.
I've got an AMD XP 1800+ processor, 256 Megs of DDR RAM, a GeForce 3 video card and a SB Live Sound card. If anyone can help me out here, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Hey Brad,I got the same problem except it happens only on the 4th level and in basic training. the first 3 levels went by perfect though which is what confuses me. when you find out whats wrong, let me know asap. thanks a lot. my email is ShootStephen@aol.com
Well guys, I don't know what my problem was. I uninstalled the game and kept trying to reinstall it until I didn't get that error message during the install anymore. Maybe it's somet kind of texture problem. I would try reinstalling, just make sure you don't delete your save files.
use End-It-All Utility to shutdown all programs running in background. Or you can ctrl-alt-delete all the background programs if you dont want to use EIA.