I got the game last night and was looking forward to playing it. The installation went OK, but when I get to the main screem and go to the new game section and try to click on the clipboard for basic training, it does not respond to the clicking of my mouse. I can do everything else with my mouse in the game but this. Any help you could give my would be most appreciated. Thanks!!!
Thanks for the reply, but I have a cable connection so I can't pick that selection. Now I have another problem. I tried to uninstall the game and then reinstall it but now I can't get the game to install. It gets about 35-40% installed and it gives a "catastrophic failure" window saying there is a problem with a sound file (I cant remember exactly what it says) and then it boots back to the desktop. This really starting to anger me because I loved playing the demo and was looking forward to playing this. If you could help me in any other way, please do so. Thanks again!!!
Never mind. I went and downloaded Detonator Driver 21.83 and now everything seems to be working fine. Don't understand why this worked, but I tend not to ask question about it. Thanks for the help once again!!!!!!
LOL - I saw DETONATOR and went "RUH ROH!!!". nVidia seriously dropped the ball on this one, giving XP users a ridiculouly horrible driver set that does nothing but anal rape out system. I'm definitely not holdng my breath for a new driver from these folks - they've shown less initiative than ATI in these last few months in supporting their products.
I am guesssing that you see a popup dialog box for dialup networking appear when this happens.
To straighten it out go to settings: select control panel; then select internet options; then select the connections tab. Click the radio button that says "never dial a connection".