Okay... I've been playing this f-ing game all day. I'm in that snowy forest deal where you gotta blow up the two anti-aircraft guns before heading to the rally point. I'm getting my ass handed to me. WTF is with this? It takes like 15 rounds to kill these motherf-ckers and they seem to magically be able to see me before I can even make them out through the fog. I got lucky once and made it almost to the rally point before I got picked off... and then it sent me all the way back!!! Help me... please... Don't make me switch this sh*t to "EASY" just to get through this...
[This message has been edited by Skidrowpunk (edited January 25, 2002).]
Are you "running" through the forest? follow the pointers (balls) on the compass... use trees for cover...and don't run and gun (not knowing if you are)... Don't stress man.. enjoy it! Save often if you are having problems advancing.