Hahaha...Next time I'll be more serious when askin' a question...Well Lehighvalley you know the bottom line coming up the scope? Do I point the edge of the line as center (of aim) or a bit above the edge?
i believe the bullet goes where the 3 lines 'should' meet. try some target practice. shoot at some walls at medium range where you can see the bullet holes.
They love me! They really love me!
If you move the letters of MOHAA you can spell out Omaha, funny heh?!?! Well now you heard my joke, you haveta answer me a question...You know the Axis sniper rifle? How am I suppose to aim with it?
Instead of a joker response, I will explain how, the line coming from the bottom of the scope in sniper mode is the center, instead of the cross on the springfield.