If you have installed Iron Tusk ( 3 .pk3 files ) you need to get into your console on the briefing room screen by pressing tildit.
Then in your console type maplist and hit Enter. The maps will show up in the map list. You must start with Nazi Hq or you will end up in the 2nd or 3rd level WITHOUT weapons.
I tried that but, Nazihq is not on the list, neither are the other 2. The only ones that are on the maplist are the ones associated with the game itself.
Did you put the .pk3 files into the MAIN folder along with all the other map packs and the mohdm0-6.pk3's??? That is where they have to go to be recognized.
Fixed. What I had to do. The Open Me! Iron tusk folder was in the Main folder with the other 6 game packs. I turned on my secondary monitor. I opened up the Iron tusk folder and slid it over to the #2 monitor which showed the 3 maps. I opened the Main folder on my primary monitor and slid each map into the main folder along with the other game packs. The 3 maps now show up in the map list. Thanks.