also waiting for that... been trying various command line params and console commands, with no luck. Why is there NO F-ING documentation for the patch? That's just stupid. I have a spare box sitting on a T3 line just dying to be used, but no, I can't.
Dedicated server setup is quite easy acctually which is one of the reason's I choose this game to play. I have a great host dont want that to go to crap because I cant figure things out right? Well all you have to do is launch the game and go into Multi-player once your in there, from there all you need to do is go to Start Game and select your map feature's and rounds what type battle Make sure Dedicated server option is clicked and so on Then just hit start game, and go play on your server from gamespy!! good luck guys =) -peace I hope it works out for you.
-demIse "And so goes the Greatest" Gods clan World Champions Rogue Spear
Thanks, it worked! But Demise how come when I join my own server for a game me and everyone's lag will increase? But that's not the case on my bro's comp? Well thanks for the help, now at least my bro can start his dedicated server
No, see that's the problem. I have a SERVER, not a gaming box running this. Its just loaded with ram and stuck on a fast connection. I can't run the game, only has a cheap ass 2mb 2D video card. So, I just need to run the console and start the server that way. Yeah, it is easy on my gaming machine, just check the dedicated server box and you're on your way.
KANGSA: what kind of network do you have? How is it rigged, etc? How many players are you trying to host? What kind of connection is it (internet)? What's the setup on the server machine? What OS?