Seriously - this is bordering dangeruosly on massively annoying. I know I am not the only one to be disgusted by the amount of fools complaining about the abundance of "allied snipers" picking off MG-gunners. God damn, if the map SOOOOOO pisses you off, go and find another one to play. Honestly - whats the point? You change one thing "cheaters" are going to find another way to exploit the game. So why whine.
To fix this sniper problem on Omaha have all the begaining starting points for the axis by the bunker machine guns. This way the beach will be covered by bullets like the real thing. In real life the axis were already on their guns shooting so lets do that in the MP game
Ok have them spawn all at the same place...good that an AllY can camp his happy ass in one spot and pick them off EVEN easier. Kudos. More great thinking from this super-duper group.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cerebral Assassin: Seriously - this is bordering dangeruosly on massively annoying. I know I am not the only one to be disgusted by the amount of fools complaining about the abundance of "allied snipers" picking off MG-gunners. God damn, if the map SOOOOOO pisses you off, go and find another one to play. Honestly - whats the point? You change one thing "cheaters" are going to find another way to exploit the game. So why whine.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You started the post, so I guess your the leader of this "super duper group" then...kudos<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Wow. BURRRRRRRN!! - No. Wait. I guess syntax is lost on some folks.
I find this to be a very effect method for dealing with allied snipers -- use an SMG, and run down the face of the hill. Once your at the base, most snipers have their scopes glued on and around the Pill Boxes, and since you're at ground level, below their sight line you can run up and pop them in the head.
If you don't like the allied strategy, maybe you should adjust yours.
Whining about the allies using snipers would be like Kasparov complaing if Deep Blue would use "the pawn chain."
When I played Delta Force Land Warrior, snipers became a big issue. Because the maps are so big in that game, you could literally sit 900m out and pick off the crazies running around with the SMG's. It's quite entertaining. In DFLW, the host can specify which weapons are allowed. I ran a server that allowed only snipers, because the snipers bitched about getting wasted by automatic weapons. Other servers excluded sniper weapons only.
I guess MOHAA needs a weapons checklist for server admins...then people can set up their servers however they want.
[This message has been edited by Johnny Alpha (edited January 27, 2002).]