When playing a multiplayer game through gamespy arcade i get pop-up whilst playing and the game minimizes and goes back into windows. I can get back into the game after a wait but i want to stop the problem. Pop-up stoppers stop the advert appearin but dont stop MOHAA from going back to windows
are they the grey ones that say messenger service at the top? or just normal product ads? Try using a firewall. If u already have one, one of the open ports may be the problem.
download the google search toolbar, it does a pretty good job of blocking popups. i used to have this problem all the time, but not anymore after some major unrelated hardware switching and reformating. i forget everything i did to fix it, but ill check back again.
If you are getting messenger pop up ads ( grey pop ups) on your desktop, then you should do the following to make sure that your are properly firewalled
1) go to The start menu
2) control panel
3 click on network connections and once uve opened it, right click on Local Area Connection and scroll down to properties
4) click on the advanced tab and make sure that "protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to my compyer from the internet"
5) click apply and that may or may not fix your problem