02-12-2002, 07:02 AM
Just in case anyone comes across this thread and has a similar problem, I finally solved it. It turns out that whenever you launch even a single player level, the game looks for your Internet connection. Don't ask me why, and I could be wrong about the terminology.
To fix this, go into your browser's settings and check the 'Connections' tab (if you have IE). Make sure that 'Never dial a connection' is selected. My browser had 'Dial my default connection' selected. So whenever I lauched a single player level, my machine would just sit there waiting for that connection to be established. Since I was within the game, it seemed as if the game was freezing. Once I made the change, the game launches into levels without problem.
As far as configuration goes, my game is flying on my machine (PIII 600, 256MB, Voodoo5). Even though EA says that the Voodoo cards are not supported, my game looks incredible.