Whne the allies have useless snipers just sitting on the beach, I love to go down to the beach and pistol whip them in the water. You think that they would buy a shotgun and go after me...nope they stay with that stupid gun and continue to get killed by the boats.
------------------ "Especially when youre trying to lure more people into your f**king sick cult. I cna't beleive you sick peices of s**t are still alive, you should be sentanced to death. My god, having a clan that embraces murder and rape? You're the people that give gaming a bad name." - KoshiVISIT GF CLAN SITE EDITED FOR COWARDS
I just played in an Omaha server and had the best time I've ever had in MOHAA, or almost in any game for that matter. By sheer luck I stumbled upon a server using the mod that restricts sniper rifles and rockets in Omaha. It was great (imho), it was a LOT like single player cause we (Allies) had to actually FIGHT our way up the beach. Half the time I would get gunned down by crossfire from MG42s, which I loved.
It's not as uneven as some people think it is, it's not that hard for the Allies to win because when the Axis has full control over the MG42s, they hardly defend at all and you can set bombs at will when you break through.
So please don't flame me, but it was incredibly fun, and I beg anyone who runs a server crossing obj_team3, USE THE SNIPER MOD!