Cyote, 2015 didn't recommend 56k, it's down as minimum requirements. That is, if you have less than a 56k modem you can't play MoH online.
56k isn't ideal but it is playable if you have a really decent machine. Bottom line is this: A faster cpu will deliver faster average pings. It won't make a huge difference but it does make a difference.
I know this 'cos I've seen two separate machines on the same connection (ISDN 64k) with the same gfx cards and same memory. The only difference was the cpu.
Mine was an AMD k6/2 350 (glad the word I used there is 'was') and my mate's was a P2 400.
His pc was much faster and he always, always had a lower ping than me by about 10-25 ping.
Plus, it doesn't matter if you have a 2 Mbit line to the net if you have a naff cpu/gfx card set-up.
You'll suffer low fps rates even though your ping is flying.
With a decent system, a local server (no more than 50 miles distance geographically), a good ISP and a 56k modem there is no reason why you can't get 130-150 ping.
That is playable.
The only reason 56k modems are crap is 'cos they are low bandwidth. You'll always lose packets even if you have a decent connection.
Cable doesn't have this issue, 'cos it's able to handle so much more data in a given moment.
First thing is to upgrade your pc, if you can. Then try some game-specific ISPs (ISPs that are designed for games players) and you should get much better pings, even with a 56k modem.
There should also be a few tweak guides popping up soon that will help you set MoH up to optimise your connection and FPS.
Good luck.