This game is one of the best of best but damnit.I have only had the game a 1 or 2 days an already beat it.Yes on hard level an yes no cheats seince cheating makes games suck an shows you cant play.But it was way to damn short.The ending was well ,like Medal of Honor Underground
Except there all you do on the end level is get off a train go somewhere else an blow up a train!??NO FUN.
Beach landing.WOW.But at the very end you see germans runnin aroun in the trench an cant kill them b/c thats the end.Why couldnt you have made it where you shoot them as they try an run for the hills???.It was great but shorter then i thought it would have been.
Like the other 2 medal of honors they where just to short.Beat all three of them
on hard level in 1 or 2 days.I hope yall make new ones longer an harder then this one.I love the game thought just to short.
!S! every bit of the 35$ i payd at media play for it
1st SS G.D.
Just finished it up yesterday myself. I was kinda like, "What? That's it?" I mean after that hell raising kama-kazi run to get out of the building, then trying to figure out where the fire is comming from before the train door opens, kind of a let down. Oh well, time for the mods.....
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your head I just put a hole in?
That's exactly how I was. It was madness trying to escape out of there, especially with only 35 health. Then I got in the train and it told me "The End."