OK seriousely. close combat maps ( no open areas ) use a full auto high rate low caliber gun Thompson or the MP40.
Try not to always go full auto, just a tap of the trigger is all you neeed. This way you can controle the weapon. If you bump into someone dont go full auto. I like to let them empty there clip then attack them and always use team work. don't go it alone go in groups covering everyone. This comes in handy when you have to reload.
In open maps. use the bar or MP44. This is were the garand or sniper rifles come in handy. again if your using automatic weapons dont "rock and roll" with them. only a cople of taps of the trigger gives you better controle. and use TEAM WORK. one sniper a rifleman and a couple of autos works nicely. cover each other and COMMUNICATE with your team.
I guess the best thing you can do is WORK AS A TEAM AND COMMUNICATE.
oh, and lots of practice.
Good luck with your squad
Not so Rude,