Max Payne 2 (Decent game, plays it now and then..)
Ghostmaster (Excellent game, f*cking brilliant)
Fallout 2 (Best RPG ever made if you ask me)
Call of Duty (Love this game aswell, it rocks.. rock: )
Harry Potter QWC (Really nice for a Potter game)
LotR: RotK (I think this was the best one out of the LotR games..)
Thief 2 (Its a classic, nuff said..)
Probably a lot more aswell, but those are the ones im playin atm..
Serious sam 1 -2
Max payne 1-2
Red alert 1-2 + yuris revenge
Thief 1-2 + gold
Age of Empires 1-2 plus rise of rome and conquerors expansion
return to castle wolfenstein
call of duty
Grand theft auto 1- 3
Grand theft auto vice city
Warcraft 1-3
diablo 1-2
sw galactic battlegrounds + clone campaigns
sw jedi outcast
BF1942 + road to rome/secret weapons
deus ex
Rainbow six + rogue spear + urban operations
ghost recon + desert siege
Soldier of fortune 1-2 platinum
starcraft + broodwar
rogue squadron
rebel assault
dark forces
sam & max
dungeon siege
midtown madness 1-2
fallout 1-2 + brotherhood of steel
commandos 1-2
hitman 1-2
age of mythology
Baldurs gate 2
aliens vs predator 2
sudden strike 1-2 + forever
prisoner of war
bunch more i cant think of
i enjoy playing BF1942/MOH the most right now, but overall ive played driver, fallout and thief 1 & 2 the most