Originally Posted by Madmartagen
what takeover are you guys talking about? i want a bedtime story oOo: sleeping:
Back in August of this year, we had a "Mod Gone Wild". His name was Anti hero, he had posted here for quite some time before he had gotten fed up with the people here(
we used to make him slap himself via webcam over and over again) and how this place was moderated. Anti-hero didn't tell anyone of his malicious plot that he was coming up with, not even his parents, not anyone!
Well one day some numb nutter( who has requested not to be mentioned in this biography of AH) decided to make Anti hero a mod which would ultimately allow him to ban anyone he so chose to and then more. Well thats exactly what Anti hero did, he banned all of the current mods and put in place some new mods that he thought had deserved that position for quite some time (Gerard, Tripper, Pyro, and some other dickheads). This marked the day the the new "regime" had formed and all of the current mods were banned for good, as so he thought. Days went by and aa.com never seemed to be more fun. The mods were cooler, ed was owning ppl, people were talking about it, and it felt like the old mods would never come back....
To make a long story short (lol) badscript "woke up" and banned anti hero and didn't appoint any new mods until about 3 weeks or so......
Now take yo ass to bed!!. HAHA