I have been playing DM online for over a year. I have completed four missions in the single player mode. MOHAA traps whenever I get to the ame spot while driving the tank. I ran it in "safe mode" but the problem presists. I have done a scandisk but to no avail.
The message box that states a serious error has occurred and MOH needs to shut down appears. I can either debug, look at the details, or close. The details don't provide me with any information I can use.
I removed all mods, skins, and custom maps from my main directory and the problem went away. I am not really sure which one caused it. I have a blood patch and a patch to skip the opening credits which I would suspect first. I also had a custom site mod.
I really want to finish the single player mode but it I have time, I will play around to determine which one caused it.