Yes, it's where I find the four "barrel guns", as you put it. And I still can't find out where to go. I face the church (which is behind the big wall) and the wall is directly in front of me, to the left is the road which leads into the center of town, and on the right is the barbwire barrier. I tried to go through the buildings on the left, and I can't seem to find a way through...I'll have to brighten the game and see if I see anything.
One thing that really bugs me is the game isn't bright enough indoors and there is no flashlight...
Ok, the first part of this game absolutely sucks, but once you get to Omaha, it gets awesome.
Now, I've cleared out the town in Mission 4 of everyone. I'm right on the other side of the wall that the church is behind. I seem to be stuck inside the town. Where do I go?
Location: I camp out in front of my computer and get occasional food droppings by airplanes...
02-02-2002, 08:37 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NOLF:
[B]Ok, the first part of this game absolutely sucks, but once you get to Omaha, it gets awesome. [B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Why does it suck so bad then? Maybe your taste is just weird
- General MacAuliffe (when asked to surrender during the Battle of the Bulge, 1944)
I found the A.I. to be not very good, and the levels weren't that fun in the beginning. The game has replay value (a lot) but this game is nowhere near as good as NOLF or the hype surrounding this game.
I take it that you are in sniper town?
If so you are supposed to be getting the bazooka team right? They are dead,so go above the gate at the end of the level (near the church) there is a room above the gate and in it you will get a bazooka and ammo...blast the gate and continue on. (hint...keep your bazooka equipped,as a Panzer IV comes around the corner and you have to hit it 3 times).
What gate? I'm right near the barbed wire...I searched everywhere for a passageway/stairwell, anything.
The church is on my left behind a huge stone wall next to the barbed wire. Could someone give me some more specific instrucions on how to find the gate?
FubarGrn that is not the 4th level that is like the 3rd to last level....that game is short but not that short...i believe he is talking about the level with the four barrel guns..if so go to the right when you are facing the church and u will be on yer way...the only other level i could think of is the level with the pilot that u must rescue in that case go inside the church at hit the button on the right side of the altar...and you are done with the mission...if this doesn't apologies....
"A Marine is always loyal and obidient to his duty and his honor"
[This message has been edited by Officer James (edited February 02, 2002).]