I think that flamethrowers would be a great addition to this game, seeing that they were in the real war, why not have them here? It'd be pretty fun in Omaha to torch the battery like in Saving Private Ryan. I guess I just think It'd be really cool to have some flamethrowers thrown in there in MP.
=[SE]= MSgt. Parchy
Screamin' Eagles
Company First Sgt.
would be cool only if there were limits on them. Would just turn into one big flame throwing spam fest. I think the lag would get to be pretty bad with them also
I can hear it now. All the people complaining about rockets and shot guns. complaining about noobs running around with flamethowers.
I personally don't think you'll see it in this game. Maybe MOH2 or 3. If they do put them in. I want to see people take off like a rocket when someone shoots them in the tank
I would NOT want to see flamethrowers in this game in a million years! The rocket and shotgun's drive me nuts enough, I cant imagine flames too...argh! They were EXTREMELY annoying in RtCW, Kingpin, SoF, the list goes on....thank god 2015 didn't include them.
------------------ "Fur Ehrund Pflicht, bis herz und klinge bricht"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arclight: Wait till the Liberals here about flame throwers in a computer game--oh my!!!!!!
lol yeah i can hear it now "that it so inhumane". yeah!, kind of missed the fn point here. just stick to nice convential things like guns and cannons because they are so nice and friendly.
I can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin. But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to.
well they said they would add 8 more weapons in the add on so..........i guess its an option but it will probably be like they just die without catching on fire.